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1) Do you want to tell us something about yourself and your art?

I’m Runethom. I’m a guy with a strong passion for foot and tickling fetishism. I use my art to recreate the fantasies I like most.

Leggi tutto: Tickle Artists #66: Interview with Runethom

2) What techniques do you use to draw? Do you have a favorite artist that inspires you?

I started using SourceFilmaker. About a year ago I started using Blender to offer superior quality creations. To this day I am not inspired by any creator.

3) How much was the passion for drawing born in you? And the one for the tickle?

I started creating content both out of passion and to earn money. I’ve always liked tickling for as long as I can remember.

4) What are the tickling scenarios that you prefer to draw?

I love recreating situations in which I can pose characters taken from the videogame world.

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5) What are the aspects of tickling that you intend to represent with your art? Example: the laughing, the wriggling, the relationship between tickler and ticklee?

I like to recreate funny situations derived from tickling, but also revenge situations.

6) Online there are countless photos and videos of tickling sessions. In your opinion, what do illustrations offer more than images of real life?

In my opinion, they also offer the possibility of recreating situations using characters taken from the world of fantasy.

7) In your opinion, what makes tickling so interesting for fans of this phenomenon?

Tickling is, in my opinion, an erotic aspect, which is why it is highly sought after.

8) What are your works of which you are most proud?

I am very proud of some comics, as well as some works such as where the characters are stuck while their feet are tickled or licked. For example, I’m very proud of a work called ”Virus-F”, in which Jill Valentine and Claire Redfield are stuck and several zombie dogs take the opportunity to lick their feet.

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9) Do you have any particular artistic goals for the future?

I only hope to be able to improve myself in order to offer higher quality work.

10) Do you think AIs will end up enriching or impoverishing the art of tickling representations?

I believe that over the years everyone will be able to create their fantasies without the need to commission them from various creators. So on the one hand it will end up enriching this art and on the other it will be a problem.

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