Judy Greer feet

Judith Therese Evans, better known as Judy Greer, is an American actress born July 20, 1975, in Detroit, Michigan. Greer began her career with minor roles, but gained notoriety through films such as Jawbreaker (1999), What Women Want (2000), and 13 Going on 30 (2004). She is known for her performances in romantic comedies and dramas, also appearing in successful productions such as The Wedding Planner (2001), Adaptation (2002), and Jurassic World (2015) .On television, she is best known for her role as Cheryl Tunt in the animated series Archer and for her participation in Arrested Development, where she played Kitty, Jason Bateman’s assistant .

Leggi tutto: Tickling Scenes With Judy Greer
Judy Greer feet 2

Tickle scene with Judy Greer (Californication, S2X2)

Tickling in Californication
Tickling in Californication

Hank is giving Trixie (Judy Greer) a pedicure.

Trixie claims that Hank is doing a great job with her feet. At that moment Hank tickles Trixie’s foot. She suddenly smiles and starts laughing for a few seconds. 

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