Serena Grandi

Serena Grandi is an Italian actress born on March 23, 1958, in Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy. She is known for her roles in various films, including “The Great Beauty” (2013), “Miranda” (1985), and “Donne sottotetto (Centro storico)” (1992). Grandi’s career began in the 1980s and gained significant attention after her appearance in the Tinto Brass film “Miranda” (1985).

Leggi tutto: Tickling Scenes with Serena Grandi

One of her notable roles was in the 1987 Italian giallo film “Delirium,” directed by Lamberto Bava. The film was developed as a vehicle for Grandi, who played the lead character, Gloria. In “Delirium,” Gloria is a former model who runs a men’s magazine, Pussycat, which she inherited from her late husband. The film’s plot revolves around a series of murders, with the killer sending Gloria photos of her co-workers with her own erotic photography in the background.

Grandi’s career has been marked by her ability to portray strong and captivating characters, often in complex and intriguing storylines. She has been a prominent figure in Italian cinema and has contributed to the success of various films throughout her career.

Serena Grandi - Desiderando Giulia

Serena Grandi has appeared in various films, including:

  • “Exploits of a Young Don Juan” (1981)
  • “Antropophagus” (1980)
  • “Delirium: Photo of Gioia” (1987)
  • “Miranda” (1985)
  • “Craving Desire” (1988)
  • “Malamore” (1982)
  • “The Great Beauty” (2013)
  • “Last Chance for Love” (2012)
  • “A Second Childhood” (2010)
  • “Giovanna’s Father” (2008)
  • “Frivolous Lola” (2004)
  • “Steps to Fame” (1997)
  • “Crime of Passion” (1994)
  • “Rimini Rimini” (1987)
  • “Lady of the Night” (1986)
  • “Desiderando Giulia” (1986)

Some of these films have been highly rated, such as “The Great Beauty” (2013) with a rating of 91%, and “Delirium: Photo of Gioia” (1987) with a rating of 84%. Grandi has also appeared in various other films, including horror, drama, and comedy genres.

In “Desiring Julia” (“Desiderando Giulia”) (1986), Serena Grandi plays the character of Giulia Tassi. The film is an Italian erotic drama directed by Andrea Barzini and is loosely based on the 1898 novel Senilità by Italo Svevo. The plot revolves around Emilio, an unsuccessful writer, who becomes infatuated with Giulia, a photographic model. Despite her disordered life and many male companions, Giulia meets Emilio from time to time and they engage in a passionate relationship. However, Giulia has no limits in her sexual fantasies and games, and Emilio soon realizes he’ll have to pay a price for his infatuation with her

The film is known for its erotic content and has been rated 94% for content score on The Movie Database (TMDB). “Desiring Julia” is a significant film in Serena Grandi’s career, showcasing her ability to portray complex and captivating characters in erotic dramas.

Tickle scene in “Desiring Julia” with Serena Grandi

The tickle scene in “Desiring Julia” is particularly noteworthy, featuring Serena Grandi being tickled. 

Emilio and Giulia are on the beach, intent on making love. Giulia is lying naked and the viewer can admire Grandi’s voluptuous body, which Emilio covers with sand.

Desiring Julia Tickling Scene

At one point Emilio grabs Giulia’s foot and starts kissing it. Giulia lets out a giggle and states that he is tickling her.

Tickle Serena Grandi


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