Tickling Lost - Evangeline Lily

Tickling is a physical phenomenon that causes the victim to smile and then laugh even if he or she doesn’t feel like it. In some popular culture products we have examples of jokes that are based on forcing the victim to open his or her mouth and laugh against his or her will, in order to get him or her in trouble in some situation.
We have an example of this in “Lost” (season 1, episode 12).

Tickle scene in “Lost”

Kate and Sawyer dive into a lake at the foot of a waterfall.
Sawyer swims up to her and tickles her with his hands at her sides.
The girl, caught off guard, smiles but tries to keep her lips together. Sawyer continues to tickle her and she is forced to shoo him away and back away as fast as she can, to avoid laughing and thus lose air.
There are times when it is good to laugh, but this is not the case!

Tickling Lost - Evangeline Lily
Tickling Lost - Evangeline Lily
Tickling Lost - Evangeline Lily

Tickle scenes with Evangeline Lily

Evangeline Lilly is a Canadian actress and author. She gained widespread recognition for her portrayal of Kate Austen in the television series “Lost,” which aired from 2004 to 2010. Born on August 3, 1979, in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada, Lilly began her acting career with roles in commercials and small TV roles before landing her breakthrough role on “Lost.”

After “Lost,” Evangeline Lilly appeared in various films, including prominent roles in “The Hurt Locker” (2008) and “Real Steel” (2011). However, she is perhaps best known for her role as Tauriel in “The Hobbit” film series, which is based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s novel.

During a live, Evangeline Lily was asked if she was ticklish. She hesitated but answered “yes, a little bit but mostly on my knees. If you grab my knees you kill me!”

On a Instagram story, she admits love being feet tickled.

Tickling Evangeline Lily Instagram

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