Follow Project Tickle Scenes on Devianrtat to discover many artists producing memorable tickle-themed illustrations. In this article, I present to you five of the tickle images that I liked the most in the month of March 2024.
Leggi tutto: Top 5 Tickle Illustrations March 2024P.S. Keep in mind that this is an entirely personal ranking, based solely on subjective tastes; in no way does it imply a judgment on any person’s art, nor does it state that one design is better than another.
5) Ferron1 coleur
JFerron gives us a fascinating tickle torture scene with goat! The good old-fashioned ways! A sadistic noblewoman enjoys the spectacle of a prisoner forced to endure the torture of two goats. Remarkable effort in depicting the desperation of the wriggling tickled feet and the look of terror in the poor victim’s face. With a few laughs of despair it would have been perfect!

4) Suffering in a Sleepsack
Bebop4999 produces an appreciable scene of forced technological tickling.
The poor victim is strapped to a padded crib and can do nothing but laugh forlornly as his little feet are tickled by mechanical fingers. Data appear on the screen informing of the scientific purpose of the experiment/torture. The girl’s forced laughter accompanied by tears is irresistible!

3) Honni Kombs – TICKLING EVIL
Sir Bombers offers us a fascinating scene of desperation. In this illustration of the victim tries to hang on while two giggling zombies tickle her armpits (and grope her boobs) not only to make her let go, but also to force her to laugh and inhale their toxins. Despair and a sea of laughter permeate the entire illustration!
2) Resident Evil (VarianT 1.2)
TKL Comics realizes an irresistible Resident Evil-themed tickle torture scene.
Ada Wong is viciously tickled on the soles of her feet by the other protagonists of the saga and is forced to laugh wildly.
The viewer’s attention is magnetized by the facial expressions of the two torturers: sadism and smugness as they sink their nails into those poor defenseless little feet, depicted as very large, allowing us to enjoy the details of the fingers torturing relentlessly!

1)She is still there!
Toermentor is my favorite goat torture artist on Deviantart!
Poor Veronica is firmly immobilized while two goats attack her helpless little feet with their tongues. The beautiful woman can do nothing but laugh and wave her hands hoping for vain help. The look on her desperate and forced laughing face is a delight!